
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Life after the storm (so to speak)

What a difference a day makes.  Ice has melted, the sun is out and it is 52 degrees.
I finally went out to survey the "damage" and was pleasantly surprised.

Frost damaged blossoms were removed last week and this is what greeted me when I went outside to check on freeze and ice damage.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the 3 clumps of Alysum still
in bloom.                                                               

 These plants were not protected by overhanging trees or other things that would protect from frost. They are not particularly thick leaved and the blossoms look quite fragile.
One of nature's mysteries.  I could probably do some research and find out why these plants are freeze and ice hardy.
Somehow, I like to think that nature takes care of things in spite of the weather.

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