
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Potting up California Poppies

Half the interest of a garden is the constant exercise of the imagination. ~ Mrs. C.W. Earle, Pot-Pourri from a Surrey Garden, 1897
After a relatively mild (heat included) spring, summer with more rain, not much in the way of downpours, seedlings are presenting themselves everywhere. Last week I was so carefully potting up bluebonnets and California Poppies to transplant later.

A few weeks later, "What was I thinking?"  There are hundreds of poppy seedlings in places that they cannot stay.  So, I go from treasuring every petite  potted poppy to pulling them out like weeds.  This doesn't happen every year.  Nature has to cooperate to produce this abundance.  Sort of like spring and summer last year when the peach trees exploded with an over abundance (perish the thought). All pieces of the nature puzzle met up and gave us this bounty.  This spring, the same trees were in bloom and hit by frost.

Back to the poppies. I have transplanted the larger seedlings still in the ground and decided enough is enough. 
Since I never did get to amend the front flower bed because of the weather, I think I will do that and put the potted poppies there.  That area does not really get full sun and poppies require that.  At least, they will be in the garden when they die instead of pots on the patio.


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