
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Hawk visit

Today, while watching birds at the feeder, I noticed they were very skittish.  Then, I saw the reason.
There was a hawk flying over the feeder area and finally, brazen as can be perched on the fence next to the feeders. It stayed there long enough for me to go and fetch my Olympus camera and fuss with it for several minutes, then just took off.  Perfect photo moment lost.

Not so, 15 or so minutes later, I stepped out onto the patio and spotted the same hawk on my arbor. Bold as brass.  Not skittish at all.  It must be very hungry.

I did get a few long distance shots of the bird finally. Not as sharp as I'd like, but it has been a struggle to get a picture of him.

Don't forget to click on picture for a larger view
This is not a Cooper's Hawk/more than likely a Red Tailed immature

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