
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Monarchs and Milkweed

A good gardener always plants 3 seeds - one for the bugs, one for the weather and one for himself. ~ Leo Aikma

I started this a while back.  I have read numerous articles of the decline of the monarch.  We were fortunate enough a few times to have the migration fly over our place. Clouds of them.  They usually fly through on their migration 20 or so miles to the east of us. I will never have the thrill of being in Mexico when they arrive, but I can hope they will change their pattern of flight one more time..............

Since writing, I have planted the milkweed the Monarch requires.  I hope it survives the summer and draws in the Monarchs.

 I did see caterpillars on this one. They didn't stay very long. I have looked for eggs on it and there are none. There is a picture of the egg in the article on the link.

Remember to click on a picture to see enlarged

Monarch butterflies have been seen in the area and I have joined the gardener brigade to plant a weed for them.  Monarchs NEED the MILKWEED.  This is a very informative link to Monarch information.
There are lots of articles and information out there, but just in case my readers haven't paid attention or missed that issue, I am doing all I can to promote care of the Monarch and forget our aversion to "weeds".

Be sure to click on this link as it has beautiful photos of the monarch.

Now, "for the rest of the story.
compared to gardeners, I think it is generally agreed that others understand very little about anything of consequence. ~ Henery Mitchell
Too many people feel the need to waste water on lawns that have to be mowed, fertilized, mowed, water...............................  Think of what a waste!!!  We have water rationing practically all year now.  My yard is au naturel and may be looked down upon by strollers or drivers through our neighborhood. I don't really care what others think of no lawn, I am doing my little bit to keep flowers and soon Milkweed alive.

We have had Monarchs visiting every year and even though there have never been many at one time, they visit my zinnias, lantana, roses and the occasional (weed/wildflower).  I haven't taken the time to actually see what weeds they visit.  It seems to be most attracted to daisy like blossoms. Oh, yes, and the butterfly weed.

This morning, I was checking what to water.  The heat is coming on again.  I don't know what to do at this point but water.
I was so thrilled and excited to see monarch caterpillars on this bush!  I have 2 now.  I forgot about watering, drought, heat... and went inside and got my Bloggie.

Now I know the leaves aren't falling off. They are being eaten!

I can only hope one will deem the bush good enough to lay her eggs.
There have been other butterflies on this bush.  I am not a fan of the red and yellow blossoms, but will learn to love them.

Caterpillars can fly, if they just lighten up.” ― Scott J. Simmerman Ph.D.

 “The caterpillar does all the work, but the butterfly gets all the publicity.”
George Carlin

“My thoughts are like butterflies. They are beautiful, but they fly away.”

1 comment:

Judy said...

I love your pictures and your narratives are so interesting.
The Monarchs came through Elaine's in Cresson one year. There were thousands of them. So beautiful. I tried to get her to call the newspaper but she didn't. It was really an amazing sight.