
Sunday, August 17, 2014


Taken through blinds on kitchen window it is pouring rain, ultimately there were 4 finches

I had been out earlier in the morning looking over the sad state of all the flowers.  The Lantana is the only thing that seems to be surviving.

It was a lovely cool morning and the patio is shaded most of the day. I have been working on my flea market windows.  I have been spending an hour or 2 for several mornings, chipping, scraping and sanding off old paint and window glaze.  The windows are not in great shape and some of the wood is staying attached by paint. There are a lot of broken windows that will need to be replaced.

Around 9:30 it started raining seriously. Heavy down pour and not a lot of wind.  I continued to work thinking that it was just a shower.  At some point, I realized this was rain.  I dropped everything, got my rain jacket and boots  and ran out into the downpour to set up every 5 gallon bucket and even a couple of plastic trash containers. The rain totes had over filled quite quickly and I arranged the trash containers and the down spout to catch the flow of water.

Everything I had set out is filled to overflowing and no more receptacles. It continued to rain for 2 to 3 hours. Only 3" in all, but it seemed like much, much more. The yards are flooded as well as the driveway.

I did manage to spend so time with more scraping and such.  I didn't think it wise to use the electric sander.

“Do not be angry with the rain; it simply does not know how to fall upwards.”
Vladimir Nabokov

By this time, I had water in my boots and soaked pants and shirt collar.
It actually was fun!  Like a kid playing in the rain.

“Never run in the rain with your socks on.”
― Billie Joe Armstrong 

Now that all the containers are full, the sun is out, I am soaked and chilled.  Time to call it a day.

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