
Thursday, September 24, 2020


They are there, you just have to look...

I call this gem a doll house.  
Driving down a street I have been on so often, I cannot believe I never noticed this place.
It is 3 blocks off of the main drag and I never saw it.

A foggy morning in Cleburne.  Spotted this house on a "new" street.  This seems to be the most popular design.
I have taken pictures of same style in three different locations.
Click on a picture for larger.
If you are using a smart  phone you can turn horizontal for larger. You may have to go to each picture separately...

This house is on a street parallel to the one that more or less started my fascination/fixation about round porches. Seemingly, they are of another era.  I actually found a "new" house that was trying to fit the round porch era...
This street has a lot of round porches that are difficult to see and drive at the same time.  The older homes tend to have more bushes and large trees that hide details.
The ramp has been there for a long time... before I was thinking "round.."

The roof of this house is hidden behind the trees..I got a glimpse of it and was getting out of the car when the owner of the house drove up.
I asked her the age of the house.. 1900.

Across the street from the house above is this smaller house.  It is the first I have seen being renovated.                                                          

Sunday, September 20, 2020


The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one's own country as a foreign land.  ~G.K. Chesterton
                            SWETSVILLE ZOO
Remember to click on picture for larger.
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My niece told me she knew of this place and, since we were on the way home from a matinee play in Longmont, Colorado why not stop.


Look close, there are dinosaurs here

It had been raining all day.  Also magic.  I had (escaped) from Texas heat wave to cool nights and moderately hot days in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others: Jonathan Swift

Apparently, many of these sculptures were painted.  They have been here a long time..

A donations box was unobtrusively placed at the entrance, along with a list of the names of the sculptures. Seems that is the only list.  Visitors should make a copy of it with their phones or cameras for future reference.

My niece read off from the list that had a numerical tag on each sculpture that corresponded with numbers on list. This while I was in heaven taking pictures of this wonderment.
I remember this name/ Humpty Dumpty

It had been raining and I didn't even mind the leaves of many, many trees dripping water down my neck or on my head.

There are numerous web sites about this place.  Some mentioning it may be gone in the future.  Development seems so intent on wiping out creative endeavors in the name of the all mighty dollar.


Remember to click on picture for larger view.
If using a smart phone, try turning horizontal.



          Otters at play
                                City Dog

                            My music

We didn't take time to see more sculptures. We could have spent another hour or so...


Remember to click on picture for larger.
If you are using a smart phone, try turning it horizontal..

Getting ready for Halloween 

More modern but fits somehow.

I think this is offices now.

Loveland is not that far from Cheyenne and we took a day to
search for the post office that has a WPA mural, and visit a beautiful sculpture garden.
Of course, when one has several obsessions, we got side tracked to porches, utility boxes.....


Don't forget to click on photo for larger.
If you are using smart phone, you can turn horizontal for another view.

I was not my intention to look for utility boxes in Loveland, Colorado... I thought that Cheyenne, Wyo was the only city that was doing this.
The difference is that these boxes are "wrapped" instead of actually painted.
You can actually search for more utility box art on line.  I had no idea it was so popular...

Sunday, September 13, 2020


How old are you?
There a story in this old, forgotten barn...  It looks to me like maybe a place for a few horses?  There are remnants of stalls and place for hay over head...
I have driven past this place back off of the highway to Cleburne for many years.
I have driven to Cleburne because the "town" we live in has no left overs.  The old part of town was a rail stop from and to Fort Worth.
The few stores were shells for the most part when we moved here 30+ years ago. 
For a few brief years there was a hardware store that reminded me of Gun Smoke and other western TV shows.
It had a "raised" pay out area. I suspect the area was raised to over look the shoppers....  I hate to think that the sales people were watching for mischief...

As time went by, I watched what was happening around this bit of history.  Nothing much..  I think at one time there were a few horses grazing.

Then, the 21st century happened.  The town Joshua, never really grew until the last few years. I drive through it on the way to the "city" of Cleburne.
Now, there is a huge high school, with a separate building for 9th grade.  There is a huge football stadium.. Two large apartment complexes. A two story motel..

Slowly, buildings started popping up.  It would start with large equipment scraping  away plant life, and laying great slabs of concrete. Nothing small planned here. 
And the barn is still there.

One day, I just stopped and walked through weeds and dirt to the barn. It looks as if it was built with whatever was at hand.  But still standing.  Lacking doors and windows and patches of roof repair...
It looks as if whoever owns the barn fenced off an area.  I saw a horse inside the fence once....

Within weeks things began happening in the pasture.  Who knows what is going to cover more pasture land .  Who knows when the barn will be gone one day and the ground covered in concrete.

I kind of don't want to be around when it goes....


   Fitting quote, Carpe Diem; Seize the day
This is another not so round but qualifies for me. Mainly, cuz....  It is a chocolate candy store....  It is across from Koffee Kup Family Restaurant in Hico, Texas
If you have a smart  phone, turn horizontal for larger picture.  You may have to do each picture individually.

This house is so close to the street, I think it must have been there when they added this street.  The street is on the north side of the county court house. There is another street on the south side of the court house.

I think I put this on another blog...

I have no idea where this house is.  

Not a true "round" porch but close enough.  It looks as if it is being restored.

Taken from my car on a chilly morning. I think it is older and has been restored...The round porch is at the back.

Serendipity find.  Was waiting to pickup some take out and drove a few blocks and found this.  This one is not old, just using an old style blueprint.  I am so happy to see that others think old can be new again..

Double roof and double porch. I wonder if the high peaked roof means there might be bedrooms up there?