
Sunday, September 13, 2020


   Fitting quote, Carpe Diem; Seize the day
This is another not so round but qualifies for me. Mainly, cuz....  It is a chocolate candy store....  It is across from Koffee Kup Family Restaurant in Hico, Texas
If you have a smart  phone, turn horizontal for larger picture.  You may have to do each picture individually.

This house is so close to the street, I think it must have been there when they added this street.  The street is on the north side of the county court house. There is another street on the south side of the court house.

I think I put this on another blog...

I have no idea where this house is.  

Not a true "round" porch but close enough.  It looks as if it is being restored.

Taken from my car on a chilly morning. I think it is older and has been restored...The round porch is at the back.

Serendipity find.  Was waiting to pickup some take out and drove a few blocks and found this.  This one is not old, just using an old style blueprint.  I am so happy to see that others think old can be new again..

Double roof and double porch. I wonder if the high peaked roof means there might be bedrooms up there?

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