
Monday, October 29, 2012

Fall, I hope

Oct 29, 2012

The temperature is 32 degrees and reminds me I failed to finish my early morning thoughts of yesterday.

Yesterday, the temp was officially 30 degrees. As I have done for more years than I care to admit, I panicked and had to cover my lovely mum bushes (just in case).  The theory in my mind? Frost hit by sunlight can burn the leaves and petals.  Well, not the case.

Salvias are hardy enough to stand a frost. The leaves and flowers are more beautiful than my picture, but you can see the frost.

My precious mum (Country Girl) was covered with frost as well.  The petals and leaves are more "tender" than the saliva and I wanted to save a few blossoms.

As it turns out, they weren't bothered at all. If I remember correctly, last year the petals were frozen and very papery feeling. (snapped and broke in two when bent) Some burned and died, some did not.

This pot holds snap dragons, a cone flower and a verbena.  All were covered with frost. They are fine as well.

My lovely lavender glowed in the sunlight with frost. She is fine.   The lesson being, I never learn!!
I purposely choose perennials for this area (North Texas) because they can stand a good bit of temperature extremes.
It will reach 60 today and 80"s by Wed.

This lavender prefers the "poor" soil I set her in.  Unfortunately, The plants I attempted 2 years ago, gave up this summer.  I think I over watered.  So, trying again.  This Provence (Latin name,Lavandula  x intermedia )makes a lovely bush, 18 to 36" tall.  Part of my problem was I planted the two bushes too close together.

No frost in the near future, so I can relax (heh, heh)  The weather will be perfect for weeding and perhaps taking down the rabbit fence?

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