
Friday, October 19, 2012

Fall!! Yeah!!

Friday Oct 19
The temperature is 45 this morning.  Chilly and a good sign .  The nights have been cool enough for the most part and slow to rise through out the day .  This keeps the soil from drying out so badly.

Sort of catching up; the bunny invasion has calmed down.  Have only seen 1 or 2 lately.  One individual sees me and runs like mad to hide :)
However, the pest issue is not gone.  We have an armadillo (I thought it was the resident skunk) digging holes EVERYWHERE.
Between the mole tunnels and the holes, we'd better keep our home owners insurance up to date in case a visitor steps in one and breaks something!!

On top of the digging pests, the bumper crop of acorns has made the yard a huge mess.  Still haven't cut down the tree closest to the house. That one is going for sure.  I am too old to climb the step ladder numerous times a year to clear the rain gutters!!!

Things have slowed down and not as frantic feeling.  There is really a lot of work just maintaining a garden of this size.  

I have purchased a few flowers and plants that are settling in and will add pictures later

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