
Friday, October 5, 2012

Just a note

October 5,
 I am back from a trip to New Mexico to visit our son.  I try to time my visits for the Aspen "show".  This year was THE year.  It couldn't have been more perfect.  The "haze" that usually hides fine detailing of the wonderful mountains was not there.  It was very noticeable.

My "eyes" are still full.  It is hard to describe.  We were at an overlook parking area and visited with a British couple.  The woman said it best: why take pictures? They cannot capture this.
We, with camera in hand, try though.

My son (who lives in New Mexico) gave me a Bloggie (Sony) camera. So, I trudged behind him with my 2 light weight cameras, compared to his high falootin SLRdigital cameras, and took pictures like a person with a mission.

 A lot of the photos are not super good, just for memory sake.  His, on the other hand, are the things calenders  are made of.  So beautiful it takes your breath away.  I am so pleased with the majority of photos I took and will share some when I figure out which I want to keep and which not.

So, with cooler in the offing, I will get back to gardening and blogging.

"tune in" later for more................................

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