
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Get on with it girl!!

October 28, 2012
Time's a wastin' and I'm keepin' up!! (NOT!!) It is 30 degrees this morning!

I guess when the summer heat finally started to fade into memory, I took a siesta.
This is my favorite time of year.  This is a picture of last fall.

The heat and struggles are done, I have more energy (no, really I do) to get out and dream of "next" year.  That is what gardeners do.  When it is too hot to "do".....we look at magazines and catalogs and even garden shows (if we can find them anymore) on TV.
My new love for viewing?  Garden blogs of every stripe and interest.  There are more gardeners blogging out there than I could ever follow.  Some are so professional looking (obviously with a better camera than mine) and written (obviously with a better brain than mine) it makes me wonder at my nerve to ever begin this journey.

I feel as if I can breath and not be in a panic mode of must get out before the temp rises.  I can eat a leisurely breakfast, have that second cup of coffee and amble through the garden, instead of feeling driven to pull that weed and "where are the rabbits?" and what needs to be watered . Just slow down and enjoy the fruits of my labors.

This is also the time of year hawks are migrating through.  The birds are not on the feeder much in the mornings and skittish in the evenings.  I saw one of the reasons in my ambling the garden yesterday.  I am pretty sure it is a Broad-winged Hawk.  However, it might have been a bit larger..............

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