
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Moles, weeds and humidity

The mole problem is not going away. Nor are the weeds and the humidity.

In the weeks since last post, a number of things have been going on.  First, purchased pinwheels for the garden and yard.  Hobby Lobby has tons of them.  They went on sale for 40% off 3 days after purchasing the first one.  I bought 4 more.

 The rabbit fence is here to stay

Have been moving them around to places where I see trail activity.

 The other "event"  for want of a better word. Weeds in all their gloriously rampant growth and blooming and making "wonderful" seeds!!

It seems as if over night, the things just took off.  Futility is the best word for trying to get rid of them.

I came up with a solution for moles undermining area where my bench and chair are.  Works for me!

Now to figure out how to keep bird droppings off!

All in all, just making the best of a bad situation is satisfying.  Hated sitting down and having a leg drop 3 inches. 


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