
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Summer heat is here

Our newspaper has reported the heat stats for 2011 and 2012.  The average for North Texas is 18 days of 100 or more.
The earlier in June the 100 temp hits, the more likely for a "long hot summer".

The average first 100 day is about June 30th, this year, we may hit 100 this week. The weather forecast is not likely to show rain for over a week. Not a happy prospect

2011 reported 71 days
2012 reported 34 days

In 2011, untold numbers of trees died all over the state. Many, many creeks and ponds dried up. This is when our plum thicket died.
There are trees that simply gave up and fell over across the street.  The poor persimmon trees in our neighborhood are nearly all gone.  Many fruit trees and cedar trees are gone, including my old peach trees that put on a final show of bumper crop peaches last year. One is now cut down and 2 probably will die. There is no way to keep them watered and alive.

There is a small town in West Texas that has started water rationing and the ranchers can no longer drive into town to get water for their cattle and horses.  Who knows how far they will have to go to get water.

On that happy note, I am planning early morning lighting of some sort to light up the garden areas so I can at least pull weeds and such before heat and sun drive me indoors. There are areas that remain shady until about 10:00 AM and that will help.

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