
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Raised bed update

Never did get the concrete blocks painted.  Too windy most mornings. Hopefully a calm morning with low humidity?
Anyway, I did get plants in in May.  Two thyme plants, mostly because of their spreading nature. I tasted one and it must be of the Thai class as it made my mouth feel as if it were on fire. Wish I could remember the name of it.
The other two herbs are cilantro, which has already bolted and needs to be replaced. The other corner, basil. Big healthy plant. I munch on the leaves every time I pass by.
The flowers are supposed to be trailing as well. They are not as rapid growing as I hoped. Of course, I forgot the name of it.  I may do petunias?
Even with a liner to keep in moisture, the soil dries out in 90+ weather.
The pots are lavender cuttings from last fall. They are just waiting to get stuck in the ground.
The clay pot is the last mum cutting. I don't really have a place for it and it is sort of dormant in the heat.

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