
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Bluebonnet Finale

I am sitting  on the patio (IN THE SHADE) and enjoying a bit of vino. Life is good. The AM temp is 75 to expected 92.  The sun is out and I am "hiding".
Actually, I am cutting bluebonnet seed pods off into a brown paper bag.  AND -- just to be really anal about it, I am cutting the leafy bits into a 5 gallon bucket for the compost bin.

The plan is to scatter the seeds away from the gardens.  Enough pods split and spit the seeds anyway.

Bluebonnet pods after twisting and shooting their seeds

Odd plant with bluebonnet bloom AND "ripe" pods
 The root nodule carries a bacterium that fixes the nitrogen in the soil and allows the plant to bloom 
I gathered these plants and took them to the patio for shade  while I cut off the seed pods. Cannot deal with the sun at all anymore
 I ended up with quite a few pods.  The old fashioned way to save seeds is to contain them and put them someplace warm and dry and let the seed pods mature.  I wonder if I need a lid on the bag as the pods twist and shoot the seeds quite a ways.
I may divide the seeds into another bag to give them room and hopefully not get moldy.

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