I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck. ~Emma Goldman
My gardening enthusiasm has waned and I don't even want to pull weeds that have sprung up full grown, I swear!! Where do they all come from? I have a great tool called a shuffle hoe, that is great for fighting weeds in a standing position in the gravel path.
That said, I am slowly, slowly getting used to my Bloggie. One problem? It will get hot in my hand if I take more than 10 pictures while the temperatures are so high. I am shopping on line for another as I think if I had a second one, I could get a few more shots in before I get too hot. Conversely, the camera also doesn't like cold temperatures.
This thing takes fantastic pictures! Especially if I wear glasses to view the shot first. I think a lot of my "blurry" shots were due to my vision and hand shake.
These pictures are less grainy due to my learning a simple (duh) fact. The more pixels, the sharper the image. Helps to read the manual................
This is my version of Facebook. I want to be able to come to my blog and recall the fun and frustration of learning to take pictures.
A profusion of pink roses bending ragged in the rain speaks to me of all
gentleness and its enduring. ~The Collected Later Poems of William Carlos