
Friday, August 2, 2013

August ..... heat.....pattern?

One day I shall burst my bud of calm and blossom into hysteria.

Funny thing, July was hot and not too hot, and rainy.  I hoped we had skated by the weather gods this year.
Not so.  The remains of this week, this is Thursday, over 100 every day.  This was the time of year last year that the rabbits came in to chomp the coneflowers to nubs.  I remember well, on a day that reached 108, my grandson was visiting from Illinois and seemed content to stay inside and play with those new gadgets I cannot get my mind around and visit with grandpa.
He came inside after a bit of leg stretch in the yard and said "Grandma, did you know you have rabbits eating your flowers?"
Bless his heart, he heard words from his grandma I am sure he didn't think I knew.

Hubby had purchased me my very own pink bb gun.  Grandson and gun patrolled the area and mostly just scared the begeebers  out of the bunnies.  While I, on the other hand, proceeded to round up some chicken wire, any sort of post I could find, edging, rocks, and cable ties

I frantically, and a little madly, threw up a crazy looking fence and secured the bottom with edging and rocks.
The fence worked for the rest of the summer to protect the young plants that were for some odd reason growing.  It may have been watering that germinated the dormant seeds, or even roots..........

That was then, this is now. 102 today, Friday.

It is utterly forbidden to be half-hearted about gardening. 
You have got to love your garden whether you like it or not.  

On top of the heat, I am having camera problems. Actually battery problems.  Ooops! I learned  today my Nikon requires a battery charger that does not plug into the camera.  $30.00, a spare battery at Best Buy (what was I thinking?) $40.00.  On line, $26 .00 .

No such thing as jumping in the car and picking up a spare!

All this aside, my son gave me a Sony Bloggie camera that I am not crazy about. Out of desperation this morning, (I have become obsessed with taking pictures of the bees)  I dug out the Bloggie and took this.

What can I say?

PS: I want to thank those of you who took the time to comment.  I appreciate your kind words.

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