
Sunday, August 4, 2013

No let up in heat

Gardening is not a rational act. ~Margaret Atwood
Gardening is not a rational act. ~Margaret Atwood

Gardening is not a rational act. ~Margaret Atwood
Gardening is not a rational act. ~Margaret Atwood
Gardening is not a rational act. ~Margaret Atwood
Don't forget to click on picture for larger view.

"You are the kind of FRIEND who would overlook my broken fence to admire my flowers."
Gardening is not a rational act. ~Margaret Atwood

Heat or no heat (100+), I have become so compulsive with picture taking and puzzle solving of flowers on our place.

The above caused a bit of a stir for my sister and me, trying to decide just what this plant is.  Her knowledge base is, interestingly, above the Mason Dixon line.  It seems that plants get different names in different area?
Anyway, after several e-mails back and forth, I have decided it is the Maximilan sunflower. It has an ancient history.  It also has several spellings. I am not the only one who ponders how many l's is correct.

A happy accident, don't know what the little critter is
 Yesterday, I sat out in a semi shady spot by the Lantana in the front yard. It is a large plant now and butterflies and bees are on it.  Too bad they wait to go looking for food in the HEAT of the day.  Two hours of many, many pictures and much sweating, I left them to their feeding.
Giant Swallowtail

Two in one shot! Don't know the name of the one with the folded wings

This is probably one of the Fritillaries

 One more surprise that I have to mention!  Wandering around yesterday morning, I heard a thud on the ground close to me.  Voila! A peach.  Birds and insects found it probably way up in the top of the tree. There was enough meat on it for a bite for me and one to share.  It sure brought back memories of last July and the miraculous bounty of peaches.

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