
Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Don't forget to click on the photo for larger view

I appreciate the misunderstanding I have had with Nature over my perennial border.  I think it is a flower garden; she thinks it is a meadow lacking grass, and tries to correct the error.  ~Sara Stein, My Weeds, 1988

Today is Wednesday

I think this is the first day in weeks I have not spent at least a few hours taking pictures.  It gets too hot too soon! 102 for today.

Fingers now scented with sage and rosemary, a kneeling gardener is lost in savory memories.  ~Dr. SunWolf

 I have a memory of rosemary several years ago, quite a few in fact.  The stories are not intertwined in the memory, but every time I brush the plant in my garden, memories come flooding back.

Years ago, hubby and I drove to Fredericksburg on the bluebonnet trail.  While walking about in a park in the city, I spotted a bush and wandered over to it.  I didn't even know what it was, but determined I would have one.
It was the beginning of my love affair with rosemary.  I have a plant of one sort or another since then.

In the midst of this writing, hubby came in and told me that the Lantana was full of butterflies.  Well, what can I say?  He watched the spectale while I took pictures. Probably of the same butterfly as yesterday.

Coffee.  Garden.  Coffee.  Does a good morning need anything else?  ~Betsy CaƱas Garmon, 

In less than 15 minutes, I had several lovely pictures. Not like a week ago when I was struggling to catch one!

This is the ubiquitous flower that has captured the butterflies

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