
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Storm number 2

We are hunkered down. We have the generator on the patio and gas for it.  In the event the forecasted ice breaks the power lines, we may be able to at least stay warm with the portable heater.  The neighbors keep a fire going in the fireplace most coolish to cold days and we can probably join them for a bit of warm up.

We have a fireplace, but it is not engineered /constructed right and doesn't draw properly. When we burned a fire in the past, I shut myself up in the BR and waited it out.  The warmth was nice, just couldn't stand the smokey atmosphere.

Back to hunkering down and waiting for tomorrow. Maybe I will take the time to work on my new craft.  I have stopped crafting for a long time and for some reason, am into it.  Along with a hubby who is telling people he knows how clever I am and getting them excited.  Not what I intended.

This new crafty thing is something I discovered on another blog.  There are a lot of clever people out there and this idea grabbed me.  She does her craft with pine needles.  I have taken it a bit farther, using the leaves that are falling in our yard.

The idea is simple, applying it is another matter.  The medium is bleach.  Bleach is scary. I have ruined more than one garment with the stuff.

Don't forget to click on a  picture for a larger view

This is the first one I did.  Turned out pretty well. Then I washed it and had a mess The bleach smeared all over.

 This is a shirt I was going to throw away. The design is so nice I think I will wear it anyway.

1 comment:

Mary Smith said...

These are just exceptional!
How clever you are!
Keep up the good work!