
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Making use of what you have with a little improvement

This is Tuesday.
Yesterday is my normal day for volunteering at the library.  Most times, I end up with a terrific backache and treat myself to lunch and then go home to recover.

Yesterday, no backache, perfect chilly weather. Nearly chilly enough for my new creation.

I had brought this lined work shirt home from a trip to see family. It is a little big, but tough and I wanted to "really" use it.  Hubby came up with the idea of using a pair of his old jeans and make pockets.
I did just that. The jacket is not denim and the pockets are obviously no match. Still, the denim is tough and the pockets are deep and I can drop my hand tools in them, carry a water bottle (which I always misplace)
They may be a little too deep. When I do this to another work shirt and even thinking of a sleeveless one for summer?  I will make the pockets a little less deep.  We will see................
Pretty good idea, if I do say so myself.  Of course something similar may already be in some catalog but bet it costs a lot more than mine, which is Nothing!!

 The weather stayed overcast and almost chilly.  I cleaned up a grassy bed and dug out some more bluebonnets that are germinating all over the place. Mostly in beds and other spots that they need to not be. Lots of pots of bluebonnets and California poppies now.  Just have to baby them over winter and hope that the poppies survive. It would be so great to have lots of them as a border.

I love this quote and put it here, just cuz..........
On every stem, on every leaf,... and at the root of everything that grew, was a professional specialist in the shape of grub, caterpillar, aphid, or other expert, whose business it was to devour that particular part.  ~Oliver Wendell Holmes

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