
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Terrific garden what not ideas

Ok, I am not a fan of pintrest.  Most seems just a bit too, too.
Today, I have changed my mind. I happened to come across a wonderful collection of garden enhancing and working and other ideas, I just have to share.
This came about because I found a deal on 6 old windows at a flea market  for a garden conservatory.  I have been mulling this idea for years.  The lady at the flea market who made wonderful conservatories with broken china embelishments no longer there, nor is her web site active. This slowed down my creative juices.  I have to make a "test" of my ideas before I go for broke. Have found that starting out cold and not knowing quite what to do, can make for major disappointments.

I am excited just  looking at all the clever garden ideas.   If you check the site out, somewhere on the picture you will see Pinned from  if you click on that, voila! you are on a clever blog. Haven't spent much time checking them out. (There are a lot)  I plan to spend a lot of time here and on the blogs mentioned.

Check it out!

I plan to put my windows together, now that days are cooler, and see if I can make something I want in my garden. I even have a location in mind.

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