
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Potting up seedling bounty

It is Tuesday the 15th and the temperature this morning was in the 70's and now it is 56.  The front took its time moving through. It has rained off and on all day. My kind of weather!!
I gathered up all my 4" pots and some 6" ones as well and have enjoyed the mist and the dampened soil.  Makes transplanting delicate seedlings easier.  The little roots are so fragile.

The bed that had the tomato ring this summer is full of bluebonnet and California poppy seedlings.  The poppies are pretty close together and will have to sacrifice some to get as many as I can potted up.  The bluebonnets are spaced farther apart and much sturdier root wise.
I am trying a "new" idea for the bluebonnets because the seedlings are pretty small.  I am using a bulb planter. It is one that has a trigger to expand the end to sink into the ground and when released, becomes smaller which holds the dirt better. Pretty cool. Works pretty well for the bluebonnets with the damp soil. When it is dry and powdery, the dirt falls off the root.
The poppies are a bit trickier. I pack the damp dirt loosely in the pot, poke a hole and then carefully lift out the poppy seedling. Pop it into the hole, give the dirt a pinch or two and done. 

Don't forget to click on a picture for larger views

California poppies
Finally had to quit when the rain started getting in my eyes.  My hubby thinks I am weird.  I just love chilly, damp, cloudy days for gardening. I could stay outside all day if I didn't have to visit the bathroom occasionally and maybe eat a bite.

Before I started this potting, I did fix a big pot of soup. So, no feeding worries.  Helps to think ahead.

I am just going to add today, Wednesday to this page.  It is just a continuation of yesterday. Rained all morning and the temp hovered around high 50's and low 60's. Overcast and a bit misty.

I potted up a bunch of bluebonnets from the tomato ring bed and struggled with saving as many California poppies as I could. They are really my favorite summer flower.  If the seedlings survive the winter, the next summer should put on quite a show.
                                      The smaller the better when moving bluebonnets
                                       Not so with the poppies.

The gardening season officially begins on January 1st and ends on December 31.
-  Marie Huston

                                                                                    Now it is up to Mother Nature

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