
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

More on garden redo in front of house

We  had a lovely day of overnight rain and off and on rain with nice temperature.  The rest of the week is looking good for some digging.  The first thing to do is stir in lots of compost and other bits of amendments. That is, of course after cleaning debris, the worst of which is old mulch.

The rain was not the heavy downpour kind, just brief, soft and hopefully soaked into the dry, powdry soil. Cannot do any planting until soil is "fixed".  I don't seem to get excited about projects requiring hard work until the temperature is below 80's.  Looks like 70's all week.
Hopefully, the plans for this "solution" won't get too involved and take more time than I plan to just make a simple border.  I tend to think of things as I go and suddenly have lots of ideas for a smallish space and then spread to get them all in. Making a plan and posting it on the wall and sticking to it would be a very good idea.

Also on the agenda is rigging up some sort of lighting for early morning weed pulling and such. There are a couple of areas in the big garden  that need work as well.  Slow down thing at a time. Ha, ha.  Don't know any true gardener that finishes one thing  before starting another.
"A garden isn't meant to be useful. It is for joy."

All I have to do is find a picture I took of the bees on my flowers to feel pure joy. Thank you God

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