
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Fall is still trying to make up its mind

Yesterday, according to the weather (actors) reports, was supposed to be in low 70's.  Perfect for hubby and me to visit Canton flea market.  Woke to 78 degrees.  Okay, debated a bit and decided to take a chance. 
A WHOLE LOT of shoppers had the same idea! I have never in my 20+ years of shopping this flea market saw so many people!  I almost backed out of trying.  It gets so thick with shoppers and their carts, wagons, and the ever present electric transportation thingy.  Not just for persons who need help getting around. Just a "fun" thing to do. Ride the things in tandum, blocking road ways, jumping off and shop, shop, gab and hop back on to annoy pedestrians some more. Love the groups of mom, aunties and teens all taking up the very very crowded roads.

Nuf said. Just one of my pet peeves about obnoxious shoppers.

The temperature failed to cooperate and it was in the humid 80's by 11:00AM.  Enthusiasm waned and we went in search of food.  A baked potato and iced tea and off again. 

There was a schizophrenic atmosphere in displays which can be quite comical. You think it's bad when Christmas and Thanksgiving and Halloween displays show up in July at Wally World.  It is even worse to think of the work that went into very creative displays at a flea market.
Some people are so talented in choosing what and how to display. I am sure they would prefer one season at a time.

Don't forget to click on picture to view larger

I have some of these houses unfinished. What a great idea!

My intent was to take photos of the overwhelming assortment of choices, but just too crowded and hot and... crowded.

Notice Christmas on the left and Thanksgiving on the right

At 1:30PM, the front finally blew in.  The people who dressed for cool weather were happy and grateful as they suffered in the heat I am sure.  The people in shorts and halters, dragging their kids in their shorts and thin shirts were probably not so happy.

All in all, flea marketing is never dull. 

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