
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Bees At Last

My garden does not whet the appetite; it satisfies it. It does not provoke thirst through heedless indulgence, but slakes it by proffering its natural remedy. Amid such pleasures as these have I grown old.

gardening quote by Epicurus
My gardening goal has been from the beginning to have something blooming all spring through fall.

These bees have been on the white salvia for over a  month. They are welcome here and do not attempt to attack me when I get too close.

I have been trying to capture bee photos in my garden.  Trial and error (lots of errors), and nearly giving up several times, have been hard on this ole brain.  Hard on the ego.
One morning last week, I was again trying to get a clear picture.  The trick of clear is no movement with a small digital camera. Hence, this week I am going to find a light weight small tripod. There are some that have only one leg. (onepod?)  The movement has been the biggest problem.

I propped my camera on a stake holding the chicken wire  around my coneflower bed and held tightly. Seems to have worked for these.

This bee is the only one with pollen on his legs.  He has been at the search early. The other three pictures show that these bees are just getting started as they do not have the tell tale orange legs.

The bees are searching for nectar in the red autumn sage and turks cap blossoms. Red is difficult to "get right", more "learning" ahead.  I am seriously going to look for that tripod!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These pictures are so good. I love the bees.
You are very good with your camera.