
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Pink Beauty not such a good thing?

I took some pictures of this moth Pyrausta inornatalis in early July this year.  Have never seen one before. It is tiny.


I was fascinated for nearly an hour with a "pink" moth.  Upon further investigation, it is not a good thing to see on the Salvias?

I found a web site that has discussions regarding the moth.  The moth is specific to Salvia. When you see it, it is looking for a place to lay eggs.  I will take their word for it and check for eggs on my Salvia.  So far, Haven't seen much damage from anything other than heat.  My lovely white Salvias have turned an odd, all be it, a wonderful plant to photograph, that may be affected by the larva??  I know nothing of the life cycle timing, so will just check the plant carefully.

Regardless of possible infestation, it is a lovely, delicate, tiny moth.

I was actually taking pictures
of bees when the moth flew in.

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