
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Rabbits this July

This summer has been quite different from last year.  During a spate of 100+ degree weather, the pests started eating any young growth in my garden.  They prefer nice, young, sweet leaves to the older ones. That is when I put up the fence around the Cone flowers.

They are still around, making themselves to home even in the courtyard.  If I let the Black Oil Sunflower seeds that fall from the bird feeders germinate, they will find the sprouts and blatantly help themselves, stripping from the bottom up.  The trick is to pay attention and pull out any new growth from the bird feeding area.  The seedlings seem to sprout and grow 5 inches over night.  Then here come bunny scouts for the goodies.

I have watched the little pests stand on their hind legs to eat the seed heads from the Dallisgrass, which is a pest of another sort for lawns.  Nasty, obnoxious stuff.  However, if I could get the rabbits to eat ALL the seed heads, problem solved.  Not that that is going to happen.

Plants in my garden that don't seem to appeal to rabbits; Penta, Salvia, Obedient Plant, Chrysanthemums, Turks Cap, Lavender, Rosemary,mature Zinnias Moss Rose (Portulaca), Tickseed (Coreopsis), Phlox, Blackfoot Daisy, Plumbago and tomatoes.  Oh, yes, also mature Cone flowers .

My plan is to experiment with larger, space filling plants the rabbits don't like.

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