
Monday, July 15, 2013


We have been having rain for over 50 hours. Soft, soaking rain! Temperatures in 70's.

 If you click on the photo,
you will be able to see enlarged.
So much hay for acres and acres 

We have returned from a quick trip to South Dakota and with temps in the 100's, I expected to find mostly dead plants.  Not so!!  Thanks to a good neighbor, and now rain, it is not as bad as I expected. The only casualty is the cone flowers.  They are tough plants and even with die back, might come back with pruning.

I went out early this morning in a light rain and saw a bumble bee hanging on to a stem of the white Salvias.  Probably thinking about going home to hungry hive.  This kind of rain is pretty unusual in July.

I am happy to report that the rain has not been a "gully washer" and so no flooding. That can still happen, but not in my court yard.  Every year since I took out the wax myrtle bush, we have had flooded areas in the court yard.  My raised bed and raised dirt have done the job.  I wasn't too sure when I began that it would solve the flooding problem and am very grateful.

My brain is working with ideas for spring.  I think that is a sign of a true gardener. Even with devastation, flooding, drought, rabbits, moles, we persevere.

While in SD, we spotted some native cone flowers. I cut a few and brought them home.  I am hoping to be able to start the seeds in the winter.

It is still too wet to do anything in the yard, so will curl up with a book and rest.

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