
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Gardener Recommended aid

Your first job is to prepare the soil.
The best tool for this is your neighbor's garden tiller.
If your neighbor does not own a garden tiller, suggest that he buy one.

gardening quote / saying by Dave Barry 

This came to mind in a moment of boredom.  You know, up at 3:00 AM, hubby sleeping, trying to read...........  I thought of a product that every gardener should keep handy.  Watkins salve.  We used to call in Watkins carbolic back in the day. I think that's what our mom called it anyway.

I have had two irritating splinter type events while gardening or doing yard work.  Not dangerous or infected, just "there".  One was a sticker that went straight into the side of my finger.  It was very pale and I couldn't even dig around and feel it.  It bothered me some over about a year.  Never festered.  I just got tired of feeling it at odd moments and remembered the salve.  I applied the salve to the finger, covered it with a band aide and left it on as long as it would remain.  When it came off, I did the salve and band aide again.  I did this for a week or so.  One day, I moved my hand in some way and the sticker "popped" out.

Another incident that was strange but not as painful was a grass blade. You know the end part that is sort of tubular. Who would have thought that this would cause the irritation it did.  This did fester. It was on the finger just above the knuckle.  I can imagine that finger bent, pulling grass..................... I was wearing gloves. This thing never really turned red or hurt. It would just swell. I would massage the puss out and get relief that way.  This went on for weeks.  I applied the Watkins salve numerous times and it never seemed to change anything. Then, one day on a long drive, I was massaging the area and "voila" it popped out.  It was very soft and there was a second bit still left in the skin.  I applied the salve again for a few days and this popped out as well.

Think of how many splinters you get and dig out.  Try this.  Digging is more dangerous than the foreign object.

Our local Cracker Barrel sells Watkins products.  I had a tiny tin for a long time and finally lost it.  I am springing for the larger tin and keeping it handy.

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