
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Nature is full of surprises if you just stop and look

I like these cold, gray winter days. Days like these let you savor a bad mood. ~Bill Watterson

 We had 10 or more days of below freezing, ice, sleet, night time temps in the teens.  It looked as if all the California poppies were toast.  The potted ones certainly. The others looked sad.  Then, today after balmy days and nights and an all night rain I was checking for new anything.

I was not disappointed.  California poppies sprouting all over the place.
They are a high desert plant after all.  It is such fun to be surprised.

 On the other hand.  The strange matted remains of summer's alyssum are another reason to hope.  If I can keep from pulling out "weeds" and leave things alone, I may have another lovely spot of tiny white flowers.

I used to look at plants "killed" by frost and cold, now I look forward to surprises there may be in Spring.

My new favorite Christmas decoration
Lovely in the late evening and very early morning.  A "crystal" bauble capped by greenery and ribbon hanging from a flea market find, bird cage with its own stand.

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