
Sunday, December 22, 2013

A new project

The trouble with weather forecasting is that it's right too often for us to ignore it and wrong too often for us to rely on it. ~Patrick Young
This morning I intended to get out to the front yard and continue rearranging the second flower bed.  I use the term lightly as It has never "done" a lot of flowers.  Since it was 29 degrees at 8AM, I changed my mind. The high today is going to be 43 degrees and windy. I think I will check when it is 43 degrees and see if I can get some work done.

There is an old Turk's Cap that I may never get dug out.  There is a halfhearted  patch of Plumbago that would be better off elsewhere.
That said, since the garden area to the south of the house takes most of my time and energy, I am going to let as much as I can of this area go to grass.  Just let the Turk's Cap stay without the border.  There are a lot of large rocks that I am sure I had help when they were first set out.  They are too big for me to move anyplace else, so I am going to roll them to the garden on the opposite side.

The original plan was to have a "dry creek bed" to allow heavy rain to wash through without drowning the gardens.  That part worked fine.  The garden part never succeeded.  Time for a change.
I do my best hard work in cold/chilly weather.  Could be my Scandinavian roots?  I save projects for cool weather at least.

The holes  on the left are where rocks have been removed

My hubby and a friend somehow got this big rock (3' across) out of a ditch and up onto a trailer. 

Most of these big suckers are over 40 pounds

It's a start anyway.  The tree in the bed has to come out.  Hubby has a problem with taking out a tree with green leaves.  This is way too close to the house and not only root damage could occur, the darned thing dumps leaves, mast and acorns on the roof which roll into the gutter.  I then have to climb the ladder and clean them out!!

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