
Friday, December 13, 2013

Winter casualties and survivors

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Winter rarely hangs around in Texas for more than 48 hours, sometimes 24 hours.
This past 10 days or so have proven to be the rare event.  First, we had cold, in the 20's, then icy snow/rain and more cold.  I think it was below freezing for more than a week every day.  The nights are still mostly in the 20's or low 30's.
I finally took a walk through my garden.  The ice did some damage. I think the extended cold did more.
It doesn't look good for the transplanted and potted California poppies.  The pentas are history, so is the alyssum.  Even covering didn't help in the long run.

The bluebonnets are doing fine.  Some of the newer transplants look a bit stressed, I think they come out of it.  Another surprise is the raised bed thyme, one of which is so hot it is inedible.  Still perky.  An odd survivor is the transplanted phlox.  They never did make a large plant, maybe they will this coming summer. We will just have to wait for that one. The lavender transplants are thriving. The garlic that came up is "burned" but should be ok.

The other problem this year?  Moles have an enemy.  The moles are digging trails ALL over my property.  Of course, this is an indicator that I have a LOT of grubs.  We have debated what is wreaking havoc above ground.  Skunk? We know we have skunks. Armadillo? Who ever it is is digging seriously looking for the moles.  BIG dig going on in spots.  Guess they are hungry. 

The one up side.  I have gotten caught up on those niggling things that have been bothering me inside.  The kitchen is small and it has to be policed and neatened up on a regular basis or things get seriously out of control.  I am finally done with the cabinets and under bed storage that has plagued me for the whole year.  Nearly done there.  I also repaired a canvas grocery/book bag that had a broken strap.  Also, finally cut down some dish towels that were just too big for me.  I like a certain size........................what can I say.

The house is as decorated for Christmas as it needs to be.  My niece sent me a living Christmas tree. A Lion's club money maker.  It came with ornaments, garland and teeny tiny lights.  I love the lights.  It makes me smile every time I turn them on.
I love digging out Christmas decorations of years past.  Not too many now, but still enough to satisfy the need to decorate a bit.

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