
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

On to other subjects

July  18
I am officially at war with the bunnies!!
I saw myself in the mirror at the fitness center. The face looking back at me was depressed, hang dog, woe be get the picture.
I have been losing plants to the little beasties no matter what I try.  Every morning, I check the poor cone flowers and there are more nibbled off to pitiful sticks.
I decided to try another idea.  I gathered up some chicken wire left over from tomato cages, some T-posts and good ole cable ties.

My hubby and I spent a few productive hours circling the area under attack.  He came up with a clever "gate" idea.
The  black horizontal line is a bungee cord stretched to pull "gate" tight..
The rocks are treasures from trips to New Mexico and South Dakota. When I travel I take home as many interesting rocks as my car will safely carry.  They line gardens, paths and some just sit lookin' pretty.
These around the fence are to try to block openings for the bunnies.

These nubby things should be over 18 inches tall now.

Hopefully, they will get a chance to show off this fall.

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