
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sunday July 8th

Well, the peach jam with jalapenos is done.  I found a blog that has very helpful instructions on making this jam.  I followed the instructions as closely as I could.
I have learned something every cook finds out somewhere along the cooking adventure.  What works for one cook, may not work for another.  There are too many variables.  So, one tries, learns and tries again.

The recipe does not take into consideration the type of peach.  These peaches are an old stock. I am not sure the stock is still sold.  That being said, my peaches (Ranger) are very, very juicy.
Next, using the food processor is a faster way to cut up the fruit, except..... they cooked down to nearly nothing.
I am glad I used the processor for chopping up the jalapenos however.
The recipe called for 6 jalapenos, I opted for caution and used 3.  Sampling along the way makes me happy I did.  This batch is HOT.
So, my batch looks like lumpy jelly.  The flavor is strongly on the side of the peppers.  That's ok, we like it hot.  Instead of having 8 - 8oz jars, I have 5.  The plain peach jam was "supposed to" produce 8 jars, I came out with 6.
   The jars on the right rear are jalapeno/peach jam, the jars on the left front are peach jam.   All in all, I am happy to have made a good use of my bounty and plan to make more to give to friends.  We Texans like things hot and I know just the people to share with.

Taste for Adventure
The blog site has very good instructions and it looks like lots and lots of yummy recipes.  I am going to use this site to look for ideas a lot.

Happy day, the jam is done and I learned how to do several new things in the process.  Always my motto. "You are Never too Old to Learn!!"

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