
Monday, July 30, 2012

Hot, hot and distressing

July 29, 2012
The fence is working as far as the beasties is concerned.  Not going so well as to convenience.  It takes a bit of time to undo the "gate".  So, I put off care of plants and weeding.
They are finally showing new growth.  I am sure the weeds are growing nicely as well.

So far, they are not bothering other plants.  As the weather continues in the 100's for this whole week, more green things will dry up.  I have a few patches of lush grass as a result of watering the flower beds.  They will probably start on that and maybe leave the flowers alone?

This time last year, we had already had 30 or more days of 100 and no rain.

All anyone can do in this type of weather is mulch and water.  The mulch does work. Gets expensive however.  I have even mulched the pots.  Not many, pots right now.  When the weather cools, I will think of potting things again.  I am also using a product that "feeds" the plants nutrients but is not considered a fertilizer.  It is more to put something back in the soil  that has leached out because of the watering.  Chlorine in the watering is really not good for plants.

This is such a difficult time to keep enthused about gardening.  It is more a war against the elements.  There are still 3 275 gallon rainwater tanks.   We kept it to augment the watering when it gets this bad.  The water bill will double, at least.

I don't have anything in the front flower beds, so that will cut down on water.  That area is on the agenda for reworking when the weather cools off.  

Now, it is just a waiting, watering and wishing for rain time.

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