
Friday, January 4, 2013

A New Year and new dreams

39 degrees and light rain this morning.  We are hoping to drive to Canton for trade days/flea market.  Should be a balmy 46 this afternoon.  This is Friday, so we still have a shot for Saturday.  By Sunday I am sure the vendors will be packing up.

The weather has been pretty chilly for weeks now and not much yard work. This fresh new year is a good time to followup on a couple of projects I am attempting.

One is the winter grass and the other is nut grass (sedge).  Both have products that are aimed at only one issue as opposed to the broad leaf weed killer, and of course the ubiquitous "weed/grass killer will kill ANYTHING.

Gordon's Ornamec is an over the top grass herbicide.  I have used it for years and it is slow acting, but gets
the job done.  I know it will not kill bluebonnets when I over spray the winter grass.  I was mainly concerned that it wouldn't do as well when the temperatures cooled.

So, tried it out on the gravel paths in my garden. I was curious to see if it would kill (actually kill) out bermuda grass. Good so far. Should be a lot easier to get the roots out.

This is an example of the grass killer vs. broad leaf. Sprayed this whole area

This is winter (my name, don't know grass name) grass  about 2 weeks after spraying. The weather has been cold for most of this time.  Looks promising.

Now, I have to spray the grass in the front that is taller already than the bluebonnets. The main thing to remember is that you shouldn't spray any herbicide when rain is due within a few hours.  The spray has to have time to be absorbed by the plant.
The one thing to watch the label and understand, doesn't work when grass is much over 3 or 4 inches tall.
This grass will get 4 feet tall!!!!!  Need to do that

 A parting shots on a wintry morning. Grey overcast sky makes a perfect backdrop. I get antsy and eager to roam our neighborhood in weather like this.  Never fail to find something magical to take a few pictures.

Persimmon bounty for some critter
I used to feed the horses in this pen. They love persimmons

One of the reasons I don't enjoy walking in my neighborhood anymore is dogs. Everyone seems to have barking dogs, some 3 or 4. No peaceful amble with all the noise.

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