
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

More Rain due Yay!

Wednesday More Rain

This year's rain in comparison to the last two is great.  Hopefully, not a portent of summer drought as in the past two years. I found a graph of rainfall for winter of 2011. We are way ahead of that gloomy forecast.

This is the first time in a long, long time that real rain has fallen and continues in the forecast.  Two and half inches so far. The rain tote on the south of the house that never fills in completely in fast, hard rain and  is full!

We have 4 of these. Purchased a few years ago for about 50 dollars each.  Quite a bit more expensive now. This is on the south side of the house and never filled completely.  Something to do with the angle of the rain gutter. The one on the north side fills very fast.

These are the other 2. We transfer water from the full totes to these.  Slow work to fill, but welcome in dry summer. I used nearly all of the water from the tank on the left.  Really frugal with this water. By the way, the trees here are some the bountiful peach trees from this summer.

This is the area I have been clearing.  Looks quite a bit different than when we started. We still have a huge area to clear.  Not looking forward to it either.  It has a monster climbing rose through out. Ouch!

These are a gardener's friends.  I use them for everything.  Right now, these and about 7 more are catching precious rain.  I drop a rock in the bottom when they are empty to keep them from blowing around when it gets windy.  I set these buckets in strategic spots with water and a cover (mosquitoes) until needed.  Not a lovely garden ornament but very handy for a bit of spot watering.

Much as I would prefer to be out cutting down the dead plum thicket, I will do "inside stuff" and be grateful.

It is obviously too wet to burn as well.  It is all in the timing for gardeners.  I have seen beautiful winter pictures of blogger's gardens.  I would love to do a calender of the photos.  "hmmm, maybe?"  As beautiful and even peaceful these photos are, I am happy to only be inconvenienced by a couple of rainy days.

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