
Monday, January 7, 2013

Oxeye Daisy perennial

The oxeye daisy is a Pest? How can that be?  Nurseries carry it?  OK time for a bit of research.
I love researching stuff!

Gardeners love to dig in the dirt, plant something and hope it grows.  That said, I am becoming more aware, all be it a bit late, that gardeners are really stewards of the land. We need to pay attention to perennials in particular.

These 2 sites are in reference to this daisy, but wonderful resources as well.
invasives Montana

invasives Texas

I have tried other sites for invasives and not as easy to link as these. 

I had no idea the perennial recommended by my favorite nursery is considered an invasive plant.  There are numerous "garden" plants that can be/are invasive.  I just called them a pest....................

Another that comes to mind is the lyer leaf sage.

 I planted this "perennial" on the recommendation of my favorite nursery.  I truthfully cannot remember if I got any advice as to the invasive nature of this lovely, fall blooming plant.  Hence, I am STILL pulling it out of beds!!!

visit this site to see this beautiful "pest"
lyre leaf photos

Another "favorite" I have attempted to "corral" in one bed for years.

Obedient plant photos

The obedient plant blooms and blooms and blooms lovely lavender flowers on a stalk much like the lyre leaf. I could/can always count on them blooming in late August and all through September. This is a time of year when flowers are slowing down and not much in bloom. In my garden anyway.

At this point, you have the idea.  Lovely, yes. Invasive, yes.  Therefore my need to share with others what gardeners need to know.
I absolutely love the sites such as obedient plant photos, lyre leaf photos for their beauty.  Better than holding a heavy book with all these pictures.  What a feast for the eye!

You can type in any flower you love along  with the word photos or images on the same line and visit a world of beauty in seconds instead of having large coffee table type books.

I say again "I LOVE MY COMPUTER"

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