
Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Bluebonnet Story

More years ago then we care to remember, when the bluebonnets put on a show for weeks. When neighbors would ask if they could take a picture of their child with them, my husband was learning about Bluebonnets just by watching and listening.

When the neighborhood had lots of young children playing up and down our road and picked the Bluebonnets, it became time for "grandpa" to explain the flower and the importance of not picking them.

He remembers one time when several children were picking the flowers and he started telling them he wished they wouldn't and why.  One little girl in particular remembered the story.  Sure enough, later, she and some friends were passing the yard and they wanted to pick "just one?". She explained almost word for word what he had told her.

About the Banner spot, the red spot, and the visiting bees..................I am sure there are informed persons who will disagree with his theory, but it made sense to the children and they respected the flowers from then on.

                                                                The Story
 If you watch the flowers, you will see bees visiting and landing on a petal to get the nectar. They will dip in and the pollen from the stamen will brush their belly (actually legs) and cling to the bee. Who then will pollinate another flower and another flower.

After awhile, the petal they landed on will turn red and that means the flower will make seeds to sow for next year. It also tells other bees that this flower is pollinated.

Then, after the seed pods have formed and hot summer comes, if you sit very quietly, and listen, sometimes for a long time, you will hear the pods start to "pop" and when they do, seeds will fly out and spread all over the area around. Some of the seeds might hit another pod and then it will pop and more and more.

 Then there will be more and more bluebonnets than before.  It all happens if you do not pick the flower before it has made seeds.

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