
Friday, April 26, 2013

Change continued

Yesterday was productive in my change  plans.  The weather was perfect (no wind) which makes yard work much easier.  The nandina bush is gone. Not hauled to the burn pile as of yet, but roots and all are gone.
The nandina is a great no care space filler.  The ones I have are mostly transplants from my mother-in-law's home in West Texas.  Some of these shrubs get huge.  There are smaller ones, but what I have are BIG if not pruned every year.  The  one in this corner has been a problem for years.
Nandinas are the type of bush that spread from the root system and can be a pest.  I seem to have a bunch of these types of plants and trees.
Now, I hope to get the ground leveled off and the cinder blocks hauled into the space.  The little buggers are heavy and it will be slow work unless I recruit hubby to help move them.  
The plan in my head goes something like this: 16 inch concrete squares for a "floor" for chairs and maybe a table? The raised concrete bed. Maybe painting it or something to make it a bit "prettier".  Pots of flowers and perhaps a grass or two.

This idea is floating around in my brain.  The timing  may be off (again) to have things done before the heat sets in.
Heat, as in anything over 75 degrees and no clouds makes the task real and unpleasant work.
It is going to be in the 80's the rest of the week.  The space is under the bedroom window. So, early AM work may be curtailed if hubby  is sleeping. See, that is why nothing got done in the past.  The location of this chore...............................

We will have to see what comes of this idea. Hmmm

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