
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Spring Morning Rain

I love mornings like this.  It is 45 degrees and rainy and windy (don't love the wind).  Yesterday morning, it was 70 degrees.  There was a threat of thunder storms and hail all day.  Nothing but cloudy and very, very windy.
Several hours later, temperature has dropped to 39 degrees.  We now are having real rain.

My brother-in-law in Cheynne emailed me that they were at 7 degrees. Heavy snow, wind that went on all day.  Now, why Minneapolis prognostications on the Weather Channel was more important than what was actually happening in Wyoming and Nebraska I fail to understand.  These people were dealing with actual blizzards and not reported on that channel.  Maybe they reported on it when I was outside in my shirt sleeves, working up a sweat.

That said, since my plans have been altered with current weather, I hope I can do some followup on the Bluebonnets.  Maybe even some more on the tomato ring?

This plant came up in the wrong place. Beautiful!

Rain aftermath a week ago
Tomato ring ready for  plants April 9
Time to get dressed and go to nursery to buy tomato plants.

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