
Friday, April 12, 2013

Tomato ring progress note


I am writing the day after the big event.  It turned out to be an all day ordeal.  Walmart can be crazy making when one is in a hurry to pick up things like bone meal and tomato fertilizer.
No good reason to have put off the essentials, except when I was ready, things didn't seem to be on the shelves yet.  Then, when I was ready, a cold snap with wind and rain nearly all day, threw my timing off.

Yesterday morning I was determined not to be put off one more day!

I had purchased my tomatoes on the rainy day. My choices. Odd to say the least.
1. Better Bush
2. Solar Fire - sets blooms in hot, humid weather
3.Pineapple Beefsteak - heirloom and large fruit
4. Porter - old standby
5. Patio - just cuz

So, prepared the holes and dithered and fretted about how deep and such.  Then, it was done!! Makes the sore back and knees worth it. 

Patio will probably stay in this pot

Early morning shadows, but they are in!

The AM shade may be a factor later but still full sun

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